If you have a question for Dr. Claire, please fill out this contact form. Please note, submitting a question to Dr. Claire does not constitute a therapeutic client-therapist relationship. By submitting a question, you agree to not hold Dr. Claire liable for the advice she provides. Dr. Claire may edit questions as needed. Please submit your question and be sure to note if you would like your first name used or prefer to remain anonymous. Thank you for contacting Dr. Claire.


    No Interest in Sex

    My husband and I have been married for nine years and have two children, a three-year-old and five-year-old. My husband works long hours and travels; I am in charge of the kids from ...

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    Annoyed with My Mother-In-Law

    I'm a mom to five children and work part-time on the weekends. My husbands family lives in the same town as we do. My husband works long hours during the week and I do it all when he...

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